
Modernizr 1.7 changelog

We put 1.7 live some time ago but never got around to publishing a changelog. Since people have been asking, below are the core changes. For an exact changelog, see the commit log on GitHub between 1.6 and 1.7.

At the heart of 1.7 are the following major changes:

  • A weaker, less crash-prone test for WebGL
  • A fix for @font-face in certain browsers
  • Faster Drag & Drop test
  • Updated IE Print Protector for better speed and reliability
  • One less content reflow due to better className setting

Beyond these main changes, 1.7 fixes lots of small bugs like tiny memory leaks and the occasional false returns in certain browsers. 

A small update on the Modernizr 2 front: we’re getting very close to releasing it, so if you encounter any major bugs using either 1.7 or the 2.0 beta builder, please report them on GitHub as soon as possible. We already have a lot of issues and features pushed to our planned 2.1 release, but would love to make sure that the 2.0 release is the absolute best version of Modernizr yet.