
This section is still brand-new and a little empty. We’re working on adding things, but if you know of a great resource for this page, please let us know!

Official resources
GitHub repository
Extra Feature Detection tests
Modernizr logos
Documentation: Getting started
The Undetectables: features that cannot be detected
Cross-browser Polyfills
Mozilla Web Developer Toolbox: Modernizr
Jeremie Patonnier
Taking Advantage of HTML5 and CSS3 with Modernizr
Faruk Ateş
How to use Modernizr
Inayaili de León
Modernizr: front-end development done right
Ryan Seddon
Using Modernizr Prefixed
Andi Smith
Third-party resources
Browserscope results — Modernizr’s feature detection across a large range of browsers
Helpful tools
Respond.js — Fast media queries for older browsers
Yepnope.js — A conditional loader for polyfills
Browser Support & Compatibility tables
haz.io — see what features your current browser supports
When can I use… — CSS3, HTML5 and related across past, current and future browser versions
Mobile HTML5 — HTML5 compatiblity on mobile devices